Jennifer Felix, CEO of ASRC Federal, has won WashingtonExec’s 2021 Chief Officer Award for Private Company CEO.
In its second year, the Chief Officer Awards luncheon was held May 27 as a virtual live-streamed program to recognize C-suite executives in both industry and government for their innovation, expertise, impact and thought leadership.
As president and CEO, Felix sets the vision and strategy for the business and is responsible for the financial performance and execution of the organization. She joined ASRC Federal in 2019 as executive vice president and chief operating officer, and has more than 25 years of industry experience in finance, business operations, organizational change management, M&A due diligence, integration and strategy.
Before joining ASRC Federal, Felix held executive leadership positions at SAIC, Vencore Inc., General Dynamics and American Management Systems.
Felix has a bachelor’s degree in accounting from the University of Maryland, College Park and serves on the March of Dimes Greater Washington Chapter board of directors.