CGI has won an award from the Interior Department’s Bureau of Indian Affairs for continued enhancement of its Trust Asset Accounting Management System, or TAAMS.
Developed through a partnership between CGI and BIA, TAAMS has been central to BIA’s management of its fiduciary responsibilities to Native Americans for over 20 years.
Building on two decades of re-engineering business processes at the bureau, this 5-year single-award IDIQ $60 million ceiling-contract will enable BIA to better serve Indian Country through enhanced information sharing and extended TAAMS functionality.
“CGI’s long history and deep understanding of BIA’s mission and business processes helps us deliver on this critical system,” stated Stefan Becker, senior vice president at CGI. “As we add more new functionality to TAAMS, CGI will proudly continue to help BIA support two million indigenous Americans across 574 federally recognized tribes.”
BIA leverages TAAMS to administer and manage natural resources on 55 million surface acres and 57 million acres of subsurface minerals estates held in trust by the United States for American Indians, Indian tribes and Alaska Natives.
With a user base of 3,000, TAAMS also enables BIA to accurately distribute more than $2 billion in revenue annually to Native Americans and tribes.