Kim Warren will serve as MITRE’s vice president of Public Sector Programs within the company’s Center for Programs and Technology.
“Kim has a top-notch technical background in computer science and artificial intelligence that is widely applicable across the agencies we serve,” said Rich Byrne, senior vice president for programs and technology at MITRE. “She will continue our focus on increasing mission value and developing our people.”
With 30 years of experience, Warren has worked across several federally-funded research and development centers operated by MITRE, including her most recent stint as portfolio director for a health-focused center, where she led efforts that included biomedical innovations and cybersecurity improvements supporting the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the Department of Health and Human Services.
She has helped to shape research and technical capabilities at the Homeland Security Systems Engineering and Development Institute, which MITRE operates for DHS. She has developed laboratory capabilities for the Federal Aviation Administration at the Center for Advanced Aviation System Development FFRDC and has also developed intelligent technologies for intelligence and defense agencies.
Her other work has included software product development for Fortune 500 and international clients and service as global director for electronic product development at General Motors.
In her new role, she will lead technical work and development of government solutions around issues that support DHS, HHS, the Department of Veterans Affairs, FAA, CMS, Treasury Department, the Internal Revenue Service and the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts.
Warren has a bachelor’s degree in computer science from Syracuse University and a master’s degree in artificial intelligence from Edinburgh University in Scotland.