From a sales pedigree developed at Oracle to business development director at SAIC to various senior leadership positions at SRA International, CSRA and General Dynamics Information Technology, Rebecca Miller has a track record of success in growth and corporate strategy. She came into her current position as sector president of health and civilian in July 2018.
Why Watch:
Significant revenue growth has been a hallmark of Miller’s general management career, and that was particularly notable through the 2015 merger of SRA and CSRA. At SRA, her team achieved 25 percent year-over-year growth in the health market and turned around business development efforts in the civilian market posting new wins for the first time in a few years.
“At CSRA, the revenue size of our group was over $1.5 billion, and we owned a significant portion of the health and civilian marketplace,” Miller said. “My team was able to achieve 10 quarters of consecutive year-over-year growth during a budget-constrained federal contracting environment.”
Salient CRGT leaders expect to capitalize on recent strategic hires in operations, delivery and business development to poise the company for growth in 2019.
“We anticipate making great strides in white space accounts and augmenting our existing footprint across the health and civil marketplace,” Miller said. “My team and I have achieved great success in winning business in white space accounts and we have already won a significant amount at Salient CRGT since taking over in July.”
Read the entire Top 10 Operating Executives to Watch list here.