This summer, WashingtonExec is reaching out to successful leaders in government and government contracting to learn more about their habits, experiences and perspectives.

Kay Kapoor is CEO of Arya Technologies LLC, a small company providing end-to-end technology services to the federal government. Her 28 years of experience in government and commercial markets were spent at AT&T, Accenture Federal Services and Lockheed Martin Corp., and she held leadership positions at all three. She has received numerous awards, including the Stevie Award for “Woman of the Year” in business services. Kapoor serves on Harvard’s JFK School of Government Dean’s Council, the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs board, and the dean’s council at Johns Hopkins, Carey School of Business.
WashingtonExec: What is on your summer reading list?
Kapoor: This summer, I am reading Colin Powell’s “It Worked for Me.” I am a big fan of Powell and his leadership lessons. The book walks through life and leadership lessons that are simplistic, making it easy for just about anyone to learn from. I also just finished “Breaking the Bamboo Ceiling” by Jane Hyun. The book explores the cultural differences between Eastern and Western leadership styles. It offers insights for people with Asian backgrounds into the various degrees of assimilation of Western leadership styles.
Next on my summer reading list is Michael Chertoff’s “Reclaiming our Cyber Security in the Digital Age.” It’s hard to think of a timelier subject for leaders in the technology and federal government arenas.
Finally, I’ve also fallen victim to the world of streaming and binge-watching. I’m hooked on “The Crown” on Netflix. It’s rich with history and fascinating to watch.