Paul Dillahay became president and CEO of NCI in October 2016. A well‑known industry leader and change agent, he directed NCI through a transformational acquisition and privatization in his first year. Moreover, he put his 25-year track record of driving innovation and growth to work by immediately refocusing the company’s key capabilities and service offerings.
While NCI’s heritage is in delivering and supporting major infrastructure and cyber programs, Dillahay and his revamped executive team swiftly invested in agile software development, data analytics and artificial intelligence. In October, NCI entered into an exclusive partnership with CrossChx, Inc., to bring commercial-quality AI solutions to government customers, solidifying once again, NCI’s reputation for innovation.
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Last fall, Dillahay’s team rebranded NCI to bring this new vision and energy to life, effectively repositioning around three key principles — navigate, collaborate and innovate — to create even more value for all stakeholders.
Related: To Achieve 7% Annual Growth, NCI’s Paul Dillahay Focuses on People, Process and Pipeline