When Jonathan Moneymaker joined Altamira in 2014, he rolled up his sleeves and got to work. Expanding on his track record of success across startup ventures, mid-market private equity and Fortune 100 enterprises, he spearheaded Altamira’s 3-year, year-over-year, double-digit growth strategy, and led its two acquisitions to accelerate its position as a dominant player in data analytics and advanced engineering by adding cyber operations and cloud migration to the organic portfolio.
“It is incredibly humbling to have been asked to lead such an amazing organization,” Moneymaker told WashingtonExec earlier this year. “I’m excited to integrate our vision of the evolving market and mission landscape, deep customer intimacy, and exceptional customer delivery that will accelerate success for Altamira and its partners for years to come.”
Outside of his responsibilities at Altamira, Moneymaker serves on the board of directors of the University of Southern California’s Viterbi School of Engineering, advancing the development of tomorrow’s engineers.
Why Watch:
In a short time, Moneymaker has continued to enhance and build on Altamira’s brand and reputation, recognized for its innovation and ability to solve problems, personal touch to customer success, commitment to mission delivery — collectively advancing and transforming how it helps solve today’s most pressing national security problems. Expect more bold moves from this California native who’s dedicated his whole career growing and executing diverse portfolios of business.