InCadence Strategic Solutions announced June 13 that the company has been awarded a prime contract to provide a mobile biometrics solution to the FBI’s Criminal Justice Information Services Division, Global Initiatives Unit (FBI CJIS GIU). The single-award, full and open contract, is for a period of performance of one base year and four option years.
InCadence will be responsible for providing software solutions to capture biometrics on Android-based devices that will give the FBI the ability to perform a biometric collections via smart phones. This collection includes fingerprints, facial photographs and contextual information for submission and receipt of a response, via the Android-based application from any location with cellular service. The application will allow agents to quickly establish the identity of a subject in order to aid in the conduct of a FBI investigation.
InCadence will use its Commercial Off-The-Shelf solution, Ares, for this work.
“I am very proud of the dedication and effort our team has put into developing Ares,” Biometrics VP John McIntyre said. “To be able to support the FBI, and the important work they do for our communities, is a privilege and the pinnacle for any engineering team and for our company.”
Ares is a micro-kit biometric collection and submission platform, running on the Android operating system, designed for federal, state and local law enforcement use. Ares features a plug-in architecture and incorporates the Integrated Biometrics Watson fingerprint reader for fingerprint collection and the built-in-device camera for photographs. Ares is capable of rapidly collecting biometrics, photographs, biographical data, packing and validating transactions, and submitting transactions and receiving match responses from federal, state and local Automated Fingerprint Identification Systems (AFIS).