The Community Foundation of Northern Virginia will host The Chairman’s Breakfast from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. May 12 at Tegna Headquarters, 7950 Jones Branch Drive, in McLean.
The theme of the event is “The Intersection of Philanthropy & Innovation: Building Community Through Venture Philanthropy.” The keynote speaker will be Melissa Bradley, Director of the Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Innovation Initiative and Executive in Residence at the Kogod School of Business at American University.
There will also be a panel discussion featuring Exponent Philanthropy CEO Henry Berman, Kiddar Capital Founder Todd Hitt and Prince William Public Schools CTE Supervisor Doug Wright.
Dovel Technologies CEO Paul Leslie serves as Board Chairman of the Community Foundation for Northern Virginia
The cost to attend is $25 and includes a continental breakfast.
Click here to register and for more information.