The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has named Allegheny Science & Technology (AST) CEO Arria Hines West Virginia’s 2016 Small Business Person of the Year.
“These small business owners represent the best of the best and showcase daily their entrepreneurial spirit and what it takes to be successful in today’s evolving and competitive business environment,” SBA Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet said.
Hines was nominated for the award by i-79 Development Council President Deana Dean.
“One of the most exciting things my career enables me to do is be part of a networking and support community where a really brilliant start up can become a grown up success,” Dean said. “Arria Hines and AST have moved brilliantly and ethically to overcome some of the growth challenges that have crippled others. She and her team are becoming the standard others strive to attain. They truly are winners and this achievement makes me very happy for them.”
“I know it’s the Small Business Person of the Year, but it really should be the Small Business Award because it’s not just me,” Hines said. “I have a wonderful team, and I have a partner, Bob Wentz, his help is immense. A lot of key people, that’s what’s built the company.”
“I am extremely proud to highlight you as the best of the best among small business leaders,” SBA District Director Karen Friel said. “You exemplify hard work, leadership, and dedication, making you the ideal candidate for the award.”
Hines will be honored at the Small Business Week Award Celebration May 4 at the Robert H. Mollohan research center in Fairmont, W.Va. National Small Business Week is May 1-7, with national events including a ceremony in Washington, D.C., where winners of the state level Small Business Person of the Year will be given awards and there will be an announcement of the National Small Business Person of the Year.
The selection criteria for the Small Business Person of the year includes company growth in expansion, number of employees, and net worth; innovation and response to adversity; and contributions to community service.