The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center will feature two of it’s new research vehicles at the 2016 K-12 STEM Symposium this Saturday, March 12th at The Nysmith School. The selected vehicles are suited with Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control which “enables full automatic control of longitudinal movements (such as accelerating and braking) with the flexibility to support lateral control (such as steering controls) for autonomous vehicle research.”
Designed to engage young people from kindergarten through college, the K-12 STEM Symposium is FREE of charge and fun for the entire family. The all-day event will showcase engaging speakers and exciting possibilities in the STEM fields across the National Capital Region. Activities for the day will include hands-on experiments for children, student science fair projects, government, and industry exhibitors, and information about STEM-related high school and college internships. Sign up at www.stemsymposium.com.