ENSCO Inc. announced Dec. 1 the appointment of Dr. Jay “Scott” Goldstein as the company’s Chief Strategy and Technology Officer.
“I look forward to working with Scott Goldstein to capitalize on the synergies and complementary capabilities of ENSCO’s diverse groups in order to pursue multidisciplinary strategic opportunities toward achieving long-term technology-driven growth for the company,” ENSCO President Boris Nejikovsky said.
Goldstein brings more than 30 years of experience leading organizations and serving as a chief technology officer, including programs with DARPA, the intelligence community and the military. He is currently a Fellow of the IEEE, a member of the IEEE Radar Systems Panel, a Fellow of the Washington Academy of Sciences, a member of the AFCEA Technology Committee and the INSA Council on Technology and Innovation, a consulting member of the Army Science Board and is serving on the 2015 Defense Science Board Air Dominance Task Force.
Goldstein previously worked at Dynetics, QinetiQ North America, ManTech International Corporation, SAIC and MIT Lincoln Laboratory. He has more than 30 years of experience across the Army and Air Force, and is currently a Brigadier General in the Air Force Reserve, serving as the Mobilization Assistant to the Commander at the Space and Missile Systems Center in Los Angeles.
Goldstein earned a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the University of Southern California and a master’s degree from George Mason University.
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