WashExec Executive RollCall: JD Kathuria pulls from the broader WashingtonExec network to dish out the area’s who’s who and what’s what.
The WashingtonExec Roll Call is a weekly feature within the WashingtonExec e-magazine that leverages our connections to catalog the area’s happenings. When it comes to striking deals, who you know trumps what you know in the government contracting community.
We have tapped into our thousands of LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and in-person connections to compile and share with you information about the promotions, company switches, job openings and work anniversaries that transpire within the broader WashingtonExec network.
The end result? A running map of who’s where — professionally — in the Greater Washington area.
Read on for insight about the topics that caught our eyes and ears this past week within our network’s virtual water cooler.

New Hires, Promotions & Board Promotions:
Dan Allen is celebrating 2 years at Serco
Jake Burns is Vice President, Corporate Partnerships at the Washington Nationals
Gary Danoff is now Senior VP at DLT Solutions
Chris Foster is now Worldwide Executive Vice President at Burson-Marsteller
Charles Reed is now the Tax Manager at Herndon, Va.-based Airbus Group
Barry West is now Visiting Executive In-Residence at Northern Michigan University
In the News:
To read Casey Coleman’s interview entitled Lessons Learned Late: Things I wish I had known before leaving government, click here.
Mergers & Acquisitions:
KippsDeSanto Fall 2015 Aerospace/Defense and Government Technology Solutions MarketView
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Please note that we deem this information to be reliable, but cannot guarantee its 100 percent accuracy. We invite you to reach out to us at info@washingtonexec.com with any tips/insight you may be able to provide about the RollCall feature.