In 1992 the CARE Advisory Committee was formed as a result of the Northern Virginia Family Service’s exploration into how NVFS could help companies in the Northern Virginia area achieve a better work life balance. The CARE program was born in the idea that providing local business leaders with new ideas of ways to implement family-friendly policies would help employees balance the demands of work and home.
The CARE Advisory Committee established the annual CARE Awards to recognize those companies in the Northern Virginia area that have implemented commendable family-friendly policies. The CARE Awards selection process has three main areas of focus: policies & benefits, ease of utilization, and company culture & philosophy.
This year’s CARE Awards will take place on Thursday, November 5th from 7:30 – 9:30 a.m. at the Falls Church Marriott Fairview Park.
Jodi L. Johnson, President and CEO at Titania Solutions Group and CARE Advisory Committee member said, “Despite the challenging economy, dwindling federal budgets and other difficult environmental factors, it was critically important to me when we incorporated Titania in 2012 that we build an organization that was founded in deep care of people, including our partners, customers, employees and their families. Being recognized with a CARE Award in 2013 and 2014 from Northern Virginia Fmaily Service is something that I value greatly. This recognition ensures that we don’t just set a goal to taking care of our team, but actually follow through and accomplish it. The CARE process ensures that we take the time to evaluate – and re-evaluate – how we are doing and where we might consider improving or adjusting.”
Mark Katz, CEO at CustomInk said, “The CARE Awards is one of the most important programs CustomInk participates in because the application process forces our company to thoroughly analyze what we offer, how well we do it and, most importantly, its actual value to our team. The CARE Award Program is not as publicized as some other award programs that are organized by publications, but the rigor and integrity of the process and the interaction with other participants have truly helped us improve and expand.”
The following companies were selected as 2015 CARE Award winners:
Cassaday & Company, Inc.
Consumer Electronics Association
Dimension Data
Evans Incorporated
FMP Consulting
ICF International
Knight Point Systems, LLC
National Rural Electric Cooperative Association
NetImpact Strategies, Inc.
Tax Analysts
Ventera Corporation
For more information on the 2015 CARE Awards Breakfast click here.