The SBA designed an 8(a) Mentor-Protégé program with the end goal of enhancing the capabilities of the 8(a) companies that participate in the program to become competitive, achieve success and thereby strengthening our economy.
A mentor-protégé relationship was established between Harris Corporation and Government Tactical Solutions (GovTact). GovTact has been a subcontractor with Harris since 2011. It specializes in computer-based services which include systems design, development, deployment, training, and infrastructure virtualization. With this program Harris will provide developmental assistance and help to build GovTact’s business independence, competitiveness and ability to generate new business.
Wayne Lucernoni, President, Harris Mission Sustainment said, “Harris has had a productive relationship with GovTact, and we see that relationship growing over the long term. Harris is committed to working with and supporting small businesses. We gain from the energy and creativity small businesses bring to our business.”
Paul Sanchez, President and Chief Executive Officer at GovTact said, “We have gained immeasurably from our partnership with Harris. We are excited about taking our relationship to the next level with Harris through the SBA mentor-protégé program. Harris’ business development skills combined with its technical acumen and absolute commitment to its customers make it the kind of company we want to learn from and grow with.”