On July 14th Trowbridge & Trowbridge, LLC. (T&T) announced that Gregg Melanson is its new Vice President of Civilian Operations. Melanson is now in charge of all T&T’s delivery of services to customers. He will report to Christine Brandell, the Chief Operating Officer.
“Gregg will oversee a strong and experienced team and provide further focus on customer satisfaction in every facet of our Civilian operations,” said Brandell. “He brings 25 years of leadership experience, in-depth familiarity with a variety of contract vehicles, and an intimate understanding of the technologies that power the federal workforce.”
Currently Melanson is the Vice Chair for Emerging Technology Shared Interest Group within the ACT-IAC and sits on the University of Central Florida School of Engineering and Computer Science’s Deans Advisory Board. He has held senior leadership positions with multiple fortune 500’s and small companies alike, including Sprint Nextel, NCI, Catapult Technology, and the Walt Disney Company.