The U.S. Geospatial Intelligence Foundation will host a Homeland Security & Defense Geospatial Community Exchange, on Thursday, Nov. 20, at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City, 2799 Jefferson Davis Hwy., in Arlington.
The event will run from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and aims to help drive collaboration among government, industry, private and academic sectors supporting homeland security and defense missions.
Keynote speakers include Michael G. Potts, Deputy Under Secretary for Enterprise and Mission Support, Office of Intelligence and Analysis, Dept. of Homeland Security; and David Alexander, Geospatial Information Officer; and Director, Geospatial Management Office, DHS.
Topics of discussion include Operations and Coordinating Structures, Data and Decision Support, Remote Sensing, Geospatial Cloud, Emerging Technologies and Frontlines.
Panel speakers include : Glenn R. Bethel, Remote Sensing Advisor, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Robert Piccerillo, Multi Agency Collaboration Environment (MACE), Robert Zitz, Senior Vice President, National Security Sector, Leidos; and Chair; USGIF Small Sat, Working Group, Major General William N. Reddel III, Adjutant General, New Hampshire National Guard, Commander Michael Edwards, U.S. Coast Guard, Program Manager, Common Operating Picture, Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Michael K. Smith, Program Manager, Homeland Security Infrastructure Program (HSIP). Read the full list of panelists here.
Registration costs are $325 for USGIF members and $425 for non-members. There is no charge for government officials and members of the military.