Technology company Invertix Corporation, a heritage company to what is now Altamira Technologies Corporation, announced Oct. 7 that it has been selected as one of three awardees of the Advanced Technical Exploitation Program (ATEP) II contract with the National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC) at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.
“We are excited and proud to have been selected to continue our partnership with NASIC in support of its critical mission,” Altamira President and CEO Ted Davies said. “Altamira and our team members have a long history with NASIC, and we plan to increase our presence and commitment to the Dayton community as a result of this award. Our investment in technologies and solutions that span across our customers’ most critical information needs is paying off as we continue to be a preferred partner with the defense and intelligence community.”
“ATEP II is the perfect example of Altamira’s ability to deliver end to end solutions to our customers and support an integration of capability that reaches across the intelligence and defense communities,” Altamira Chief Strategy Officer Jonathan Moneymaker said. “We and our teammates are very excited to be such an integral part of NASIC and all those they serve and look forward to bringing to bear our world class innovation and performance.”
The contract has a base period of four years, four one-year options and a contract ceiling of $960 million.
ATEP II’s goal is to provide contract services to support the NASIC mission in Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT) and non-nuclear Measurement and Signature Intelligence (MASINT) Tasking, Collection, Processing, Exploitation and Dissemination (TCPED) activities. This includes up to 24/7 intelligence operations, reach back advanced data exploitation support and GEOINT and MASINT Research and Development (R&D) for NASIC and mission partners throughout the Dept. of Defense and intelligence communities.
ATEP II uses data collected from multiple Air Force aircraft platforms, as well as space-based systems to meet NASIC mission requirements.
WashingtonExec last covered Invertix earlier this month when the company won a contract from the U.S. Army.