Registration has opened for The National Center for Women & IT’s (NCWIT) Award for Aspirations in Computing. The award honors young women at the high-school level for their computer-related achievements and interests.
There is both a national and a local award and criteria for awardees selected include their computing and IT expertise, leadership ability, academic history and college plans. One application registers applicants for both the national and local award. Winners receive two awards, one for her and one for her school’s trophy case, as well as $500, a laptop, an all expenses paid trip to the national awards ceremony (with her parent/guardian) and more.
The NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing also recognizes educators who have encouraged young women to pursue and interest in computing and technology. No applications are needed for educators. To be considered for the Computing Educator Award, educators need to encourage students to apply for the Aspirations Award and endorse their applications. Each educator is eligible to receive $1,000 in reimbursement for participating in a computing-related professional development opportunity.
Applications are being accepted now through October 31, 2013. Award recipients are notified in December 2013 and award events take place from December until May throughout the country.
Since 2007, about 2,200 young women have been recognized for their aspirations and achievements in computing and technology. In 2013 alone, 900 young women have been inducted into NCWIT’s program. Around 71 percent of Aspiration participants in college now are majoring in Computer Science or Engineering.
This program has proven its diversity through the fact that 50 percents of applicants in 2013 alone are of non-white or mixed-race. And more than 11,000 young women self-identify as being interested in computing and technology. Evaluation and data from the award recipients in the Aspirations in Computing program report greater confidence in their technical abilities, increased enthusiasm about computing and greater awareness of the career opportunities available to them.
For information on where to find applications, click here.