MerlinCryption announced today that it has named Dr. Stephen Jarret as Chief Executive Officer of the company. Dr. Jarrett is well known for his national security insight, intelligence expertise, and ability to make things happen throughout his 30-year career.
“The current cyber environment is a decidedly crucial time for introducing innovative solutions that effectively protect, beyond the capabilities of the encryption and authentication we have depended on, to date,” says Dr. Jarret, “My 30-year career emphasis has been to identify and place break-though technology where it is critically needed. MerlinCryption presents the opportunity to lead with a powerful solution, which will positively impact government, military, and corporate security for years to come.”
Dr. Jarrett composed the Chief of Naval Operations evaluation of command and control systems in the Iraqi theater for Operation Southern Watch. His Advanced Technology Transition and Innovation Center (ATTIC) concept was implemented and was recognized as one of the top four innovation success stories in the Navy during FY 2005 for contributions to Operation Iraqi Freedom.
“Dr. Jarrett has a comprehensive understanding of MerlinCryption’s unparalleled technology and will expertly navigate the path to secure military, power-grid, and healthcare environments with this forward-reaching solution,” says Paul “Prem” Sobel, MerlinCryption CTO. “We are confident that Steve’s high integrity and standard of excellence will lead the company to the next stage of growth and development.”