Vistronix today announced that Enterprise Solutions Architect Carl Buffington has been named the Lead Co-Chair of the Technology Roadmap subgroup of the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) Big Data Working Group (NBD-WG).
“I am honored to represent Vistronix as the Lead Co-Chair of NIST’s Big Data Technology Roadmap subgroup,” said Buffington. “It’s an exciting time for identifying and maturing innovations and technologies that can accelerate secure and effective adoption of Big Data and its potential to answer questions for problems that are difficult to quantify.” Buffington is also the Director of Vistronix’s Software Center of Excellence.
The focus of the NBD-WG is to form a community of interest with the goal of developing definitions, taxonomies, reference architectures, and a technology roadmap. The Technology Roadmap will define and prioritize requirements for interoperability, reusability, and extensibility for big data analytic techniques and technology infrastructure in order to support secure and effective adoption of Big Data.
Now that the co-chairs for the subgroups have been named, they will help draft the subgroup charters. All of the subgroups will be contributing to the Big Data Technology Roadmap. The target date for completion of an initial draft for the Big Data Technology Roadmap has been set for Friday, September 27, 2013.