The latest issue of WashingtonExec‘s e-magazine continues with our coverage of families in government contracting. This week, we bring to you the Downers, a family in the business that brings with them their athleticism and work ethic.
We also continue with our sequestration series, with insight from David Kervin and Bud Almas, and have a couple of exciting executive interviews with SMRC’s Neelu Modali and the Leukemia Ball’s co-chair Candy Duncan. Be sure to check out our usual news in federal contracting awards, executive transitions/appointments (like Randy Fuerst’s new promotion at Oceus Networks), STEM news, and business news you need to know.
We also have a section geared towards news you might have missed, and as always, check your calendar to save the date for all upcoming events, from the Leukemia Ball tomorrow to the HER5k May 12th. To read the full issue, please go here.