Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJHSST) is hosting its annual symposium to advance research in science and technology on May 23rd. tjSTAR, a day-long event hosted by TJHSST’s upperclassmen and various local sponsors, will showcase top senior-class projects and will also expose students to STEM-related fields and career paths.
We sat down with Dr. Evan Glazer, Principal of TJHSST, about what to expect at the event as well as how your company can get involved.
Dr. Glazer also spoke for WashingtonExec earlier this year on identifying, engaging and nurturing future STEM-leaders in the national security space.
WashingtonExec:What is tjSTAR?
Dr. Evan Glazer: tjSTAR is a day-long school symposium intended to showcase student research projects at TJHSST, explore future research options, and discuss the research aspects of potential careers.
WashingtonExec: When and where will it be held?
Dr. Evan Glazer: The event will be on Wednesday, May 29, 2013, from 8:30 am to 2:30 pm. at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology at 6560 Braddock Road, Alexandria, Virginia.
WashingtonExec: What do students see during tjSTAR?
Dr. Evan Glazer: Students can choose to attend a variety of activities throughout the day through a conference schedule. Activities include professional lectures, panel discussions, interactive demonstrations, student research presentations and problem-solving workshops involving experts in the scientific community. For an in-depth overview of programming, please visit our website.
WashingtonExec: Why should organizations get involved?
Dr. Evan Glazer: tjSTAR is an efficient way for universities, companies, agencies and organizations to share professional expertise and interact with our nation’s future leaders in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. We want STEM professionals to inspire students so they can understand future opportunities that lie ahead with a career in STEM. There is also time for professionals to network with one another over lunch.
WashingtonExec: If someone is affiliated with a STEM-related organization, how can they get involved?
Dr. Evan Glazer: You can give financial support by becoming a sponsor that comes with exposure and other benefits. Benefits could include having your logo on giveaways, banner displays, advertisements in the event program, Awards Dinner attendance and more. We are still in need of displays or demonstrations from companies of their current research projects or products to students in our all-day Exhibition Hall.
WashingtonExec: Where should organizations go if they want more information?
Dr. Evan Glazer: For general Inquiries and interest, please visit our website or send an e-mail to For sponsorship inquiries and interest, please call 703-750-8317 or send an e-mail to