Crystal Clear Technologies, Inc. announced that the U.S. Air Force (USAF) has approved a 24-month Mentor-Protégé relationship with SRA International, Inc., a leading provider of technology and strategic consulting services and solutions to government organizations.
“SRA is thrilled to serve as mentor to Crystal Clear Technologies as part of the Air Force Small Business Mentor-Protégé program,” said SRA’s Vice President, Air Force Business Area, Bill James. “This Air Force program is unique because it focuses on cyber security and information technology. SRA’s role as mentor serves as a living example of our corporate desire to give back to others in our professional community and demonstrates that our ethic of Honesty and Service® is a key ingredient in the success of strong, developing businesses like Crystal Clear Technologies.”
The Mentor-Protégé program encourages larger-business and prime contractors to provide mutually beneficial developmental assistance to small businesses. Through this, the USAF expects to enhance its contracts, foster the establishment of long-term business relationships between the USA, and its large and small contractors, while increasing prime and subcontracting opportunities.
SRA will provide developmental assistance in various forms such as cyber technology, improvement processing, and business development training. Crystal Clear Technologies is eligible to participate in the program as a woman-owned small business.