Every year, the Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts hosts its largest fundraising event, the much-anticipated Wolf Trap Ball. This year’s ball, September 15th, celebrates Wolf Trap CEO and President Terre Jones, who will retire in December after 17 years of service for the not-for-profit arts and education organization. During his time there, Jones helped to promote and establish Wolf Trap as the premier center for the performing arts, education, technology, and educational sustainability.
Held on the Filene Center stage at Wolf Trap, the ball will be co-chaired by Wolf Trap Foundation Board Member Alan J. Kelly and Wolf Trap Associates Board Member Boofie O’Gorman of Long & Foster. Kelly called it a “unique honor” to be co-chairing the ball and celebrating Jones in all his accomplishments.
“The annual Wolf Trap Ball is such an anticipatory event for the D.C. metro area community, and we are eternally grateful for the tremendous support from our sponsors and attendees who make it possible for Wolf Trap’s critical arts and education programs to thrive year after year,” Kelly said.
WashingtonExec recently got the chance to talk with Kelly about his time at Wolf Trap and future goals, and some of his favorite memories with the organization.
WashingtonExec: There are a lot of opportunities to serve on a Board of Directors out there…why did you choose Wolf Trap?
Alan J. Kelly: On a personal basis, I have been a regular attendee of Wolf Trap’s performances over many years and have been hugely impressed by the breadth and quality of the shows. So when a chance came up to represent my company on the Board, I felt a natural allegiance. On a professional basis, ExxonMobil and Wolf Trap share a commitment to Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education for primary and secondary school students. Research has shown that when young children are involved in the arts at an early age, they improve test scores and develop greater aptitude for STEM subjects later on during their school years. Creative and artistic endeavors help them develop the critical thinking and analytical skills that can lead to innovations and advancements in science. So, you might say that supporting Wolf Trap is one way we are building our pipeline of future scientists and engineers!
WashingtonExec: How has your participation with Wolf Trap evolved over the years?
Alan J. Kelly: Both Exxon and Mobil have been involved with Wolf Trap for many years. Exxon’s involvement extends back to 1986 while Mobil’s dates to 1994. When our companies merged in 1999, we chose to become a Premier sponsor.
WashingtonExec: What are some of the benefits that Wolf Trap sponsors receive? Why should an organization become a sponsor?
Alan J. Kelly: Firstly, participation in Wolf Trap provides corporations like ours the opportunity to contribute to the cultural life of the community. Our employees attend many Wolf Trap events annually. Many ExxonMobil families have children who have participated in the Wolf Trap Institute for Early Learning Through the Arts and Theater-in-the-Woods programs. By supporting Wolf Trap, we can ensure that these cultural events and programs remain accessible and affordable for all citizens. Secondly, as a Board member, I have the opportunity to work and network with other individuals and corporations – sharing innovative ideas that benefit not only Wolf Trap but also my own company.
WashingtonExec: How much money do you expect to raise this year for the Institute of Early Learning Through the Arts?
Alan J. Kelly: Our goal is always to do better than we did the year before.
WashingtonExec: What is your favorite part about the Wolf Trap Ball?
Alan J. Kelly: You enjoy the opportunity to mix and mingle with very special people from the broad cross section of our community. And you get the chance to relax and enjoy a fabulous evening under the stars on the stage of America’s only National Park for the Performing Arts.
WashingtonExec: If you frequent Wolf Trap* Can you name a couple of your all-time favorite plays, artists, musicians, or events?
Alan J. Kelly: Well, Riverdance is high on the list – I have seen this show three times. The Lord of the Rings screening with the NSO was fabulous. It was very special to attend an evening listening to Marvin Hamlisch conduct Gershwin classics – shortly before he passed away. He was a Board member, huge supporter of Wolf Trap, and musical genius. The list is endless.