The ICF International team representing North America took second place at the Global CyberLympics World Finals held March 21 in Chantilly, Va. The ethical hacking competition pitted teams from North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia Pacific against each other in attempts to attack and defend various cyber targets. The Netherlands won first place.
“We are so proud of our team placing second in the Global CyberLympics World Finals,” said William Jacob, senior vice president for ICF International. “It demonstrates the talent we put to work helping clients with cybersecurity threats and identity management projects to ensure the safety of confidential data and valuable intellectual property.”
Teams worldwide competed against each other other in a series of regional matches in the U.S., Hungary, India, Malaysia, and United Arab Emirates. The winners and runners-up from the regional competitions fought for the world championship title by competing in six categories (web applications, OS compromise, exploit hunting, lock picking, service uptime, and keeping attackers out) while defending their own network and attacking others simultaneously.