A-T Solutions Inc. announced yesterday that it signed an agreement with California-based Alluviam LLC to offer explosive-ordnance-disposal and first-responder customers HazMasterG3® products. The agreement states A-T Solutions will sell, market, train and support the products directly to end users.
“We’re excited to be partnering with Alluviam to bring the highly acclaimed HazMasterG3 to more field situations in which it can be used to save lives,” said Dennis Kelly, president and CEO of A-T Solutions. “These products are not just a nice-to-have, but are a vital part of any EOD operator’s, war fighter’s or first responder’s tool kit when assessing threats or incidents related to homemade explosives and chemical weapons.”
HazMasterG3 is the most advanced and comprehensive threat identification model available for critical incidents related to homemade explosives; improvised explosive devices; hazardous materials; and chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear explosives. This latest addition to Alluviam’s line of decision-support systems works across a variety of platforms, including smartphones, laptops, tablets and net-centric environments, and are supported on Apple, Android, BlackBerry, Linux and Windows devices.
HazMasterG3 is fully certified and designated by the Department of Homeland Security as approved antiterrorism technology for HME, IED and CBRNE decision support.
“We look forward to working with our partners at A-T Solutions to ensure that all professionals on the forefront of the fight against terrorism, who need fast analysis and support to make the best possible decisions in real time, have the benefit of using our products,” said Thais Miguel, vice president of business development at Alluviam.