WashingtonExec Series:
WashingtonExec asked the simple question to top area executives:
“If you could give your kids only three pieces of advice, what would they be?”
Today’s insight is from Shankar Pillai, Founder and CEO of OnPoint.
1. Respect – Try to remember each day to treat every person you encounter with dignity and respect…it sounds easy but it takes a lot of practice.
2. Giving – Enjoy what you have without guilt, but always appreciate what you have and make it a priority to routinely give back to the many that are nowhere near as fortunate as you.
3. Integrity – Never sacrifice your integrity and moral fabric for anyone or anything. There is nothing worth having at the cost of your integrity and the sleepless nights that will surely follow.
Read Shankar Pillai’s 2012 federal contracting outlook regarding “contracting consolidation” and “best value procurements” here on WashingtonExec.