SAVE THE DATE: Thursday, March 22, 2012 is the TIE DC: Why Entrepreneurs Matter More Than Innovators discussion featuring Jim Clifton, CEO of Gallup and author of “The Coming Jobs War.”
Clifton will talk about the all-important question in the world of startups, “is it innovation or entrepreneurship?” Clifton says in his book that company’s focus far too much attention to innovation and far too little to cultivating talented entrepreneurs.
“They’ve got it backward,” Clifton says. “To create jobs, leaders must understand that great, thriving businesspeople matter far more than great ideas, which are a dime a dozen.”
Clifton has achieved huge success leading Gallup to becoming the premier in organizational consulting and public opinion research. Under Gallup, Clifton has turned the once U.S.-based business into an international enterprise comprising of 40 offices in 30 countries and regions.
He also developed the Gallup World Poll, a recent innovation that will give a voice to the world’s 7 billion citizens in key global issues.
Find event and registration information here.
Event Location:
DLA Piper
500 Eighth Street, NW
Washington 20004