Meet Don Zacherl, the CEO of T3 TigerTech. Zacherl founded T3 in 2004 and since that time the company has grown tremendously. When the company started Zacherl says it was a exciting time for him because T3 was beginning to open new doors of opportunity and adaptability.
WashingtonExec recently had the chance to speak with Zacherl. We spoke about T3’s start-up years and it’s future. Also, we received some insight to what Zacherl enjoys most about his job as T3’s CEO.
WashingtonExec: When you founded the company in 2004, what was the biggest challenge you faced during the start-up year?
Don Zacherl: Generating revenue as a billable manager and developing new business. It’s very difficult to work in the business and on the business at the same time. Since this was a bootstrap startup (no funding sought and none provided) and I was also running a commercial software business, time was at a premium.
“It is a little like being a mouse in a jungle full of dinosaurs”
WashingtonExec: What advise can you give others that are trying to start a company during these difficult financial times?
Don Zacherl: Small business, especially startups, have a few advantages, and you need to make the most of them. Those advantages are you are very agile and adaptable, you can decide things quickly. You are constantly on alert for opportunities and threats. It is a little like being a mouse in a jungle full of dinosaurs.Well, the dinosaurs are gone, but the mice survived by being agile, adaptable, and alert.
WashingtonExec: As the CEO, What can you say about the qualities of good leadership and your leadership style?
Don Zacherl: The people I lead would be better able to answer that question. However, at a recent all day offsite with a group of other CEOs, each CEO had to listen while they were described by their peers. The words the other CEOs used for me were smart, humble, honorable, analytical, thoughtful. Note that they did not say rich, handsome, or sexy!
WashingtonExec: What excites you most about the future of T3 TigerTech?
Don Zacherl: The future! We are gaining more traction every day! I love being able to solve problems other people can’t! We are getting calls from other businesses eager for us to win more business with new clients. Life is roller coaster, so you may as well hold on and enjoy the ride.
WashingtonExec: What book has made the most impact on you?
Don Zacherl: Besides the Bible? I loved reading Robert Heinlein’s Science Fiction as a boy and can still quote some of his poetry. Probably the most interesting book I have read lately is “One Hundred Years of Solitude”. Reading it is surreal, but hours later I am still thinking about it. As for most influential, possibly “The Last Lion”, a biography of Winston Churchill.