AFCEA Bethesda is a staple in the Washington, D.C. community. But some might not know of its counterpart, Young Bethesda AFCEA. Only individuals under the age of 40 are eligible to join, and it has a strong stance towards mentorship as well as community involvement.
Last week Young AFCEA Bethesda had its first event of 2012, “Managing Emerging Technologies in the Current Federal Environment,” at Carmine’s Restaurant in Washington, D.C. The luncheon included many public sector executives, including Tom Cochran, Director of New Media Technologies for the Executive Office of the President and Barry Brown, Executive Director of Enterprise Data Management and Engineering (EDME), Customs and Border Protection at the Department of Homeland Security.
The full panel of speakers included:
Barry Brown, Executive Director, Enterprise Data Management and Engineering (EDME), Customs and Border Protection, DHS Sheila Campbell, Director, Center for Excellence in Digital Government, GSA Tom Cochran, Director of New Media Technologies, Executive Office of the President Jerry Davis, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Information Security, U.S. VA Bev Godwin, Director, Federal Citizen Information Center, GSA Paul Nauroth, CTO, Recorvery, Accountability, and Transparency Board Jessica Pacos, Management Analyst, DOE Donald Staren-Doby, Deputy Branch Chief, Food and Nutrition Service, USDAEach speaker was given a list of topics relating to modernizing Federal Information Technology to discuss with their individual roundtable. WashingtonExec had the opportunity to participate with Sheila Campbell of GSA regarding the use of social media in the federal government. The topic of transparency vs. security as well as implementing mobile devices into the enterprise were hot topics.
For more information about how to get involved with Young AFCEA Bethesda, look here. The Chapter’s next event is scheduled for February 24th with the topic of the 2013 Fiscal Year budget.
*Look for Bev Godwin’s, Director at GSA, interview on WashingtonExec in the coming weeks.