Executive Style Column: Blogging for Passion and a Personal Brand
By Marc Hausman, Strategic Communications Group
Interview with Kevin Moss, Head of Corporate Social Responsibility, BT Americas
He spends a fair amount of his work time at a rather non-descript office park off the Dulles Toll Road in Reston, Virginia. You might pass him and his family at Tysons Galleria shopping on a Sunday afternoon and fail to notice. You could step onto an elevator with him, exchange pleasantries and then go about your day.
Yet, if you work in corporate social responsibility (CSR) practically anywhere in the world Kevin Moss is someone who you most likely know. He”s a person you probably have on your list of executives to seek out and spend time with to discuss the issues, trends and complexities of an industry that”s rapidly evolving.
Who is this CSR wunderkind? And how did he achieve such a pristine reputation?
Moss is responsible for the management, coordination and external promotion of CSR programs for British Telecom”s (BT) North American business line. One of the world”s largest telecommunications carriers, BT delivers voice, video and data connectivity services to Global 2000 customers, as well as a suite of value-added technical solutions such as information and data security.
Moss” passion and focus is on programs related to environmental sustainability, employee well-being and community participation. There”s nothing exceptional about this domain, as most casino spiele global organizations employ a senior level resource tasked to direct these efforts.
Yet, Moss” strengths — which include a unique coupling of thoughtful writing and an engaging personality – made him an ideal early adopter of social media as a means to enhance his professional profile and reputation.

“Social media exists in a space somewhere between the formal voice of a corporation and a private individual”s perspective,” he said. “It”s an incredibly powerful R is a vehicle for developing new methods of interactive big best-data-recovery.com analysis. channel of engagement. It allows me to connect with our company”s key stakeholders — customers, partners, employees and market influencers – in a targeted and credible way.”
It has now been nearly four years since Moss introduced CSR Perspective, an executive blog in which he delves into topics that are relevant to organizations that share Il servizio gratuito di video poker nei Casino online e perfetto per gli utenti alle prime armi che non possono fare a meno di vivere al meglio ogni singolo momento. his commitment to social responsibility. He now attracts nearly 5,000 readers a month, making it one of the most respected and influential industry blogs authored by a corporate CSR practitioner.
The content is presented in a multi-media environment, which includes traditional posts, videos and podcasts. Moss has also solicited guest commentary from other respected CSR professionals from companies like Walmart, Staples and GE.
Moss further explained this collaborative approach to his content, “Yes, I want BT to be seen as a leader in CSR. It”s such an important part of who we are as a company. Yet, we can”t put ourselves out there as standing alone. The content on CSR Perspective needs to reflect how companies are moving forward together with a shared commitment.”
As CSR Perspective”s readership grew in size and loyalty, Moss realized the additional benefits of an enhanced reputation in the industry. He is invited to speak at conferences. Trade journals and business periodicals solicit him for op-ed pieces. CSR related causes and non-profits offer him Board opportunities.
And, perhaps most exciting for Moss, BT”s customers have hosted him for discussions about ways they can collaborate on CSR initiatives.
“You do get a tremendous sense of fulfillment when you walk into a conference and attendees introduce themselves as CSR Perspective readers,” Moss said. “That awareness is great, yet it”s just part of how I measure success. What have I done to move BT”s business forward? How have I helped us establish more intimate customer relationships? Those are questions I think about every day.”
Marc Hausman is president and CEO of Strategic Communications Group, a social media and public relations consultancy based in Silver Spring, Maryland. Read more at http://www.thestrategicguy.com.